Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's been a while.....Here you go Jaye! :)

Alrighty, here is the update you have all been waiting for! Well, Jaye has been waiting for it atleast. I will cram the last 4 months into a few lines. I'm engaged! Woo Hoo! Getting married in may. Graduating in April. Can't wait to be done. Busy with work, practicum, school and wedding plans. I officially HATE group work and can't wait til the semester is finished so I don't have to deal with it anymore. As of right now I am looking forward to spring break and having a week off from homework where I can focus on relaxing and wedding stuff. It will be the first real break I have had since last school year since my Christmas break was jam packed with stuff. For the most part things seem to be going smoothly. School is stressful at times and work can be frustrating but basically I have a good life. I am excited to see what God has waiting for my life as a married woman and college graduate! Toodles! :)

1 comment:

THE NET said...

did you give up on blogging?